Wednesday, December 12, 2007

His song over me

On the night of 30 November 2007, I was having an intimate time of worship with God when something very special happened. It was one of those harder nights, where I had questions and my spirit felt saddened.

For years I had wondered why I was who I was in terms of my personality, why I was so different, why I had such deep and difficult thoughts that sometimes it seemed hard for others to connect with me. Generally, on a superficial level I get along fine with others. I believe I also connect well one-on-one. However over the years I've come to realize I have a tendency to drift off in the background in groups of 3 people and more. It's like I just shut up.. the conversation flows all around me but I never really get too involved. Gradually people seem to forget I'm there altogether. I still haven't figured out why but I reckon that's part of my personality. I tend to just sit back and observe and most of the activity seems to go on in my own mind instead of out of my mouth. I do participate but only at intermittent junctures in the conversation. There were also other parts of my personality that I disliked.

And so I was talking to Daddy and asking Him why He made me this way. I know there's no mistake. He has made me exactly the way I need to be for whatever He's called me to do in this life. Nevertheless, it gets discouraging sometimes.. especially since I've not yet arrived at the centre of my destiny and so it's still unclear as to how my personality fits the role.

Anyway, I began singing 'No one else like You' and came to the chorus:
"there is no one else like You,
there is no one besides You,
there is no one else like You,
my God, my King, no one else"

Then the most amazing thing happened. I felt God singing it right back to me.
"there is no one else like you,
there is no one besides you,
there is no one else like you,
my child, no one else"

All the while I've been trying to tell God there's no one else like Him to me.. never did I imagine that it was His song over me too.

I am so precious and beautiful to my King. He made me with His own hands and breathed His life into me. There is only one of me in the entire universe and to Him there is truly no one else like me!

Beyond physical individuality like our fingerprints and DNA, He gave each of us an even deeper uniqueness. God knows us not only by our earthly appearance; He knows our souls and spirits. Every single one of us is His intricate masterpiece and there is only one of each in the entire universe.

Daddy I pray we'll have fresh revelations of how deep, wide, high, great and strong is Your love for us every day! And that we would know just how very precious we are to You...